About Us

Based out of Seattle, Get Offset is a guitar podcast hosted by Emily Harris and Andrew Rinard.

But what is this, a podcast just about offset guitars?

Well, not exactly. While we all have an affinity for offset guitars (look at these friggin’ hipsters), getting offset goes deeper than that. To us, our goal is for this podcast to be a voice of reason and human decency in the gear community.

Music has always had an influential role in society, and the world we live in today needs a better culture behind the music that shapes it.

We promise to not compromise our commitment to that ideal for sake of entertainment, sponsorship, or popular opinion. Whether it be elitism, misogyny, questionable business ethics, we want to help “offset” the status quo for the better.

Intro music by Andrew Rinard. 

Outro music by Zachary Ryan Saucier.